Please read the folowing information before undertaking any of Beck’s services.
What Beck shares, is her own personal story and her own personal strategies that worked for her. Beck does not and will not imply or state that her methods will work for everyone.
The tools, strategies and advice given on this website, as well as through workshops, emails, speaking engagements, seminars, social media or through my mentoring, are not in any way a quick fix solution to a person’s current mental or psychological state or trauma recovery.
Beck is not a professional counselor and her methods and strategies should not be taken as professional advice.
No part of Beck’s recovery from childhood trauma or metal illness was quick or easy. It took years of hard work. Beck actively challenged and worked through every period of emotional pain, severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Beck’s journey towards recovery was achieved through her own will and determination as well as finding methods that worked for her and at times with the support of professional help.
Beck very much believes that what you’re prepared to put into yourself, is what you’ll get out. No advice or mentoring in the world will do anything unless you’re willing to take some form of action to change.
Beck does not and will not advocate or endorse one method exclusively. This website and all information contained within (as well as her social media pages), seeks to provide information, resources, strategies and tools Beck used herself that helped her to recover from childhood trauma and overcome mental illness.
It is always in the best interest of the viewer/visitor/client to take advice and review it according to their own needs and current place of recovery before undertaking any tools and strategies offered on this website, blog or speaking engagements.